Tuesday, 5 February 2013

Reasearch and Planning Tasks


Advantages and Disadvantages of Sources

  • Expense/Cost -researching was free as I could use the internet to source information, however accessing first hand examples meant buying music magazines.
  • Accessability -accessing online information was fairly easy, however certain types of information, including that about companies and audiences, was harder to source.
  • Time - Research and planning was time consuming, especially when information was hard to locate. Having a set deadline on areas of research and planning also meant it was time consuming in order to get it done.
  • Reliability - sometimes information found could be unreliable as you do not know the source of the information, e.g. students work/company info, and whether data is correct.
  • Accuracy - it can be hard to know if facts and figures are correct, but generally if they are similar to your own findings and audience feedback than this helps to see how accurate it is.
  • Bias - information found can be bias or subjective depending on where it's sourced, for example a company may display bias figure to improve their companies credibility.
  • Validity - generallly their was a strong link between the research I did and my final product. For example, research on existing products and genres helped me to understand the fundimental elements of the products and where changes and adaptations could be made.
  • Usefulness - Some research methods were more useful than others; for example, sourcing real versions of media texts, which is both expensive and time consuming, was somewhat pointless and unnecessary as many of these products could be sourced, for free, online.
Organising Research - www.blogger.com

Whilst doing my research and planning for both the AS and A2 coursework, I used www.blogger.com to blog all my findings and evidence. This helped me to keep track of all my research and made it easy to refer back to later on in the coursework.
Using the 'Labels' feature on blogger allowed me to group and better organise different areas of research and planning, and distinguish between research and planning for different products (e.g. the video, digipak and advertisment at A2).
I also learnt to reference the source of all research as well as label it, this helped to ensure it would be recognised as research and counted towards my marks.
My skills of blogging developed over the two years as I learnt to use more, varying functions on blogger, some of which I was not aware of at AS when I first used the program.

Planning - Pre-production Requirements
  • Drafts - For my AS coursework I created draft products involving different ideas that were inspired by my research; these helped me to visualise my ideas and make better decisions about what did or didn't work well. At A2 I similarly created draft products, however I also created several mock-ups of small sections of my products to make decisions on a wider amount of individual elements.
  • Audience Feedback - Within both the AS and A2 coursework I was able to use www.blogger.com to recieve audience feedback through the 'comments' function on my blog. However, I also collected audience feedback in other ways, for example, I created a pitch to present to and audience who would then be able to ask questions and give feedback, I recorded this so that I was able to analyse and evaluate the feedback.
  • Organisation:
  • Working individually/as part of a group:
Organisation of Planning Materials

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